Jan. 5, 2024

EP129: From Corporate Chaos to Spiritual Clarity - Benjamin Yeh

EP129: From Corporate Chaos to Spiritual Clarity - Benjamin Yeh

In today's episode, we dive deep with Benjamin Yeh, who shares a riveting journey from anticipating a layoff to a transformative career and spiritual awakening. As he navigates through family office investment, organic food ventures, and real estate startups, Yeh's tale unfolds with lessons on tuning into one's intuition and finding true joy beyond material success. Join host Saket Jain as he and Benjamin discuss the pivotal shifts towards internal wealth, the power of meditation, and the courage to align one's soul path with life's work. Tune in for a story of resilience, recalibration, and the pursuit of abundance in all forms, that will leave you inspired to question your own alignment with inner fulfillment.

In this episode, you will be able to learn

  • To trust the journey and how unexpected career changes can lead to profound personal growth
  • That your inner voice is a guiding force. Cultivating and nurturing it can help you navigate through life with greater clarity and purpose.
  • To choose fulfillment over wealth. True wealth is not measured solely by financial success but by the abundance of joy, energy, and passion in your life.

About Benjamin

Benjamin Yeh is a Business Alignment Coach.  Ben's career has evolved from being a real estate consultant, investment officer for a family office where he invested over $1 billion dollars, serial entrepreneur, husband, father, advisor/coach and overall student of life.  Ben empowers heart-centered entrepreneurs in creating real magic:  integrating their physical, mental, and spiritual well-being to synchronize their business with purpose-driven lives they seek to manifest.  Ben launched his Boom Vision Podcast in 2021, a show all about health, wealth and higher self.  This show dives deep on how to create an enriching life with valuable perspectives and action steps to help you build optimal health, create aligned wealth, and connect to your higher self!

Connect with Benjamin (if mentioned in the podcast)

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