The Power Of Many: Perks Of Having An Investing Tribe - Travis Smith

Setting up an investor group and having joint real estate investments is possible? Tune in to this episode as Travis Smith shares insights about the nature of investing with a tribe and how he turned an idea into a reality. If you want to hear his vital wealth-building tips and eliminate your limiting beliefs, dial in!

Key Takeaways To Listen For
• A personal interpretation of wealth
• How Tribevest started and the power of group investing
• Why you should take action to invest in your future
• Important steps to take when creating an investor group
• Top-notch advice for those who want to start real estate investing

Resources/Links Mentioned In This Episode
• Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki | |

About Travis Smith
Travis Smith is a grateful husband, father, entrepreneur, and fintech guru. He is the CEO and Founder of Tribevest, a company that has transformed private investing by creating a transparent technology platform. With Tribevest, investing as a group and executing deals together takes as little as 48 hours. Travis is part of a movement of Wall Street investors breaking down barriers to real estate equity deals for everyday Americans. His mission is to make every investment an opportunity for a multi-player experience so people don't have to go alone.

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